
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Little Make-Believe

My kids love to play racecars. They don’t just play with matchbox cars, they are the cars. They line up behind the couch, wait until I say, “Ladies and gentleman,” before they get revved up. I introduce them using their aliases, Tanner “Doc” racecar and Taylor “Lightening McQueen” racecar. They drive out to the podium and say a few words, mostly mumbling something about being careful of the other racers. Then I tell them to start their engines. Ready, set, go and the racers are off. Round and round the family room they go in circles until one crashes and needs repairs or they run out of gas. They come in for new tires every few laps and the race continues until one or the other decides suddenly that it is over. I hand out their blue ribbons, they take a victory lap and they line up to do it all again. This could go on all night if we let it.
Besides playing racecars, they also love to be trains. This time the setting is the kitchen; the track starts at the island then wraps around the table. My son has many alter train egos; he is James or Percy, Gordon or Mavis. My daughter is almost always Thomas. Again, I usually have to introduce them and say “Go, Thomas,” and “Go, James,” before they take off on the tracks. With whistles blowing and engines chugging, they find their own adventures at every turn. Sometimes they head to the “docks” or the “station”; other times they deliver the mail or haul coal. Each time around the track brings new excitement as they let their imaginations soar.
Whether they are being racecars or trains, they enjoy the freedom of childhood and the thrill of imagination. It is wonderful to watch them develop their young minds. There is nothing more beautiful and innocent than the creativity of a child. It is so pure and refreshing. If only we could all take a few moments out of our busy days and remember what it is like to pretend. If only we could hold on to the magic of childhood forever!

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